miel's terms of service

preços em real

★ All of my commissions are organized by order of payment. The priority of each commission can be checked on my Trello commission tracker.★ During the commissions' progress, clients will receive progress updates from the sketch until the finished piece and any changes requested during this process will be made according to the clients' requests, with no additional cost, unless the client requests major alterations past the initial sketch phase.★ If any unforeseen circumstances that may delay your commission occur, you'll be contacted and informed of it as soon as possible.★ Payments must be made upfront and through PayPal only, I will only add your commission to the queue and start working on it after the payment is confirmed.★ All of my artwork is for personal use only unless agreed otherwise. Clients are allowed to have or gift physical copies of their commissioned artwork but are not allowed to mass distribute it or use as promotional artwork without a proper agreement.★ Any commercial use of my artwork, be it for any kind of merch, promotional art or others, will require a +200% fee of the total price for regular art commissions and +100% for character designs specifically.

★ My art should not be altered or traced and should always be properly credited when used. In case the need to make minor alterations to one of my existing designs' art always ask first.★ Using my art in any kind of AI training or cryptocurrency mining is prohibited.

★ I have the right to decline any commissions or offers that make me uncomfortable or from people who make me uncomfortable.★ I retain the right to use and post any of the art commissioned on my social media as a means to promote myself as well as my art.★ Any designs made by me should be credited whenever character design credits are applicable.

★ Before offering on any of my designs, make sure to have the money on hand, if you wish for a payment plan please include it in your offer.★ If you need to back out on your offer please edit your original comment to let me know about it.★ Do not resell my designs for a higher price than the price you originally got it for unless it has extra art to add to its value.

if you have any questions regarding my TOS feel free to DM me anywhere, I'll gladly help!

Esta página serve apenas como referência para os preços em real dos meus serviços e não lista o status de abertura atual!
Para checar a disponibilidade e vagas dos meus serviços recomendo sempre se referir ao meu perfil do VGen!

ilustração de personagem

sombreamento leve, fundo simples

halfbody = R$220
fullbody = R$350
halfbody adicional = R$170
fullbody adicional = R$270


flat color, transparente

preço base = R$140

design custom simples

sketch colorida, apenas visão de frente

preço base = R$150
roupa adicional = R$60

design custom detalhado

visão frente e trás do design

preço base = R$320